
Tunjukkan catatan dari Ogos, 2016

Aku, Touch n Go dan KTM

Hari ini merupakan pagi yang indah buatku. Aku berjaya bangun tanpa rasa grumpy yang teruk, kerana semalam berjaya melelapkan diri pada sekitar jam 2 pagi. Alhamdulillah. Hanya Allah yang tahu betapa aku rasa nak campak sahaja handphone aku di subuh hari disebabkan bunyi penggera dan skrin yang tak sensitif walau sudah berkali-kali aku slide skrinnya. Syukur juga ada sahabat yang membantu mengejutkanku. Permulaan pagi yang baik disusuli dengan perjalanan ke KTM yang kurasa sungguh menenangkan, walaupun kereta agak banyak hari ini. Siap singgah beli sarapan, lagi. Namun begitu, saat aku menyentuh kad touch n go aku ke pengimbas di KTM Batu Caves dan bersedia untuk turun ke platform, aku mendapati mesej "...penalti..." tertera di pengimbas. Ok, biasanya memang aku tak tengok skrin pengimbas tu sangat sebab aku memang sentiasa yakin dan pasti kad aku ada kredit. Maka, apabila mesej seperti itu tertera, aku tahu apa yang berlaku. Aku terbawa-bawa kerianganku sehinggakan aku


Sebabkan selalu sangat tak dapat tidur, hari ini cuba mengaktifkan diri lebih sikit. Dah alang-alang malas balik rumah awal dan menghadap trafik serta orang ramai. Untungnya, aku memang simpan sepasang pakaian sukan di ofis. Just grab and go. Free aje pun kat gym di ofis ni. Rekod hari ini: 1.6+ km berjalan kaki di treadmill dalam masa 25min. heart rate between 120-150bpm. lebih kurang lah. maaa, berhenti sebab tangan terhentak di wayar emergency yang menyebabkan mesin terhenti. haha. malas nak start all over again. then, duk relax pusing² kaki kat mesin ala² berbasikal, tak tahu apa namanya... yang tu for another 10minutes or so, jarak sejauh 1km+ Disebabkan lunch tadi lepas makan lupa nak makan ubat kalsium yang doktor bagi, maka impaknya sampai sekarang kaki kebas², walaupun dah telan kalsium + alphacalcidol sejam yang lepas, sejurus selepas habis exercise tadi. Sekarang pula mata rasanya mengalami kesan berbalik berbanding apa yang diidamkan. mata dan badan kini lebih se

mondays blues

Monday's Blues went to clinic the other day, since i couldn't sleep for God knows how many days, thyroid level is okay, said my doc last Friday, but why am i feeling crap day by day? solid data is what i need to back what i say, as science student i know that at least, okay? so i gave up and let myself away, adapting myself again in "normal" way, but i couldn't help my mental today,like my mind about to blow everywhere... please please please... how could I work today? #mondaysblues #mentalhealth #hyperthyroidism #hypothyroidism #thyroid #thyroidcancer #thyca #thyroiddisease #instablog posted from Bloggeroid

Biological clock

Patients with thyroid issues will definitely know the struggle of keeping awake and appreciate a good night sleep when we really need it. Problem is, we could not control it. This past week, i could only sleep earliest at 2am. even if i managed to sleep early (before 11pm), it doesn't last long before i need to repeat the whole sleeping cycle steps again. thanks to that, i felt extremely tired and sleepy the whole day - even if I got uninterrupted prolonged sleep might. some days, my muscles too, are protesting against my daily routine. i have no energy to even wake up and go to work. hence i sleep in the day. However, no matter how much I sleep in the daytime, I won't feel refresh. Having my biological going haywire is no fun. sleep has always been my favourite past time activity. inability to control it is really depressing. So since I could not sleep at midnight yesterday, I have some reading about biological clock. Seems like our body is controlling the "awake

Unexpected motivation

I came across a dialogue in "Sydney White" movie as per below, /A: Why do you keep one writing that blog? No one is reading it anyway/ /B: "The Punisher" isn't about being read. It is about being written/ /(ps: the dialogue might not be exact- but that was what I remembered)/ Well, somehow it does gives me some kind of motivation to keep on writing in this little world of mine. Even though lots of craps since my college years has been hidden from public view, I'll forever keep it safe for my own tale. All those colorful youthful memories. no matter how embarrassing it might be, those are things that builds me. As long as I'm learning from the experiences, then I'll grow for sure. Undoubtedly it is also a good source of self motivation when I'm going through hard times that no one seems to understand. Hardship will always comes. Bigger day by day. But when I turned back, it seems that everything looks trial. Just another proof that ha

Post-ops followup

Alkisah post-ops followup checkup. the most 'eventful' appointment so far. Since I was discharged on Saturday, when the Specialist Clinic is closed, so a nurse said that she'll call on the following Monday to set the appointment. Waiting on Monday, no one called. On Tuesday, a nurse called and tried to give me an appointment date, before she excused herself saying she overlook that i might need another appointment a day before the scheduled date to get my blood sample taken. So she said she will call again in 5-10 minutes to give the dates. 10 minutes later, 10 hours later, nobody called. A day or two later, someone called at 11.53PM (yeah, i typed it right - P.M.) informing that checkup is scheduled on 28th (thankfully i'm still awake! i was about to sleep at that time). When i asked about the appointment for bloodtest, she said it is not needed. 27th July, night. Dad got terribly sick. Brothers of mine rushed him to the hospital. mom and me at home could